The premier South African centre for Online mediation

Cyber Court (Pty) Ltd. is the undisputed leader in Cyber Mediation, Negotiation, and Settlement

Online Mediation

High legal costs, court backlog, and the inherent conflict associated with lawsuit proceedings render mediation an effective forum to mediate potential disputes. The Cyber Court online centre enables a rapid and cost-effective resolution of disputes by integrating state-of-the-art, secure technology with a panel of accredited mediators to efficiently resolve disputes.

Cyber Court Technology

Our state of the art encrypted online technology platform fluently handles both simple and complex disputes, saving time and money. The sophisticated online negotiation system tracks and documents all aspects of proceedings. Documentation, records of communication, videoconferencing, and direct negotiations are tracked and securely stored for rapid dissemination and inspection by litigants, their appointed representatives, and credentialled mediators.

Mediation Legislation

Voluntary Mediation was approved by the Ministry of Justice to make provision for the referral of disputes for mediation at any stage during civil proceedings. The Rules facilitate speedy and cost-effective dispute resolution between litigants, assisting case-flow management, and reducing the number of cases appearing before the court.

Chapter 2 of the Rules Board for Courts of Law (Act 107 of 1985)

The Benefits of mediation

  • Mediation is a voluntary process.
  • Mediation promotes reconciliation.
  • Mediation offers a swift resolution of disputes.
  • Mediation is a considerably lower cost than litigation.
  • The mediation process is flexible and avoids technicalities.
  • Mediation provides a win-win situation for both parties in a dispute.
See Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Leveraging Cyber Mediation

By integrating a proven mediation framework with our world-class technology, we offer one of the premier online mediation, negotiation, and settlement platforms available.


The Cyber Court difference

Solving personal, business, or contractual disagreement through court litigation has traditionally been time-consuming, burdensome, and potentially costly. During a traditional court case, litigants may be forced to put up a defense often leading to a “win-lose” outcome.

Fortunately, disputes can be settled formally without undergoing the expense of a court trial. Voluntary mediation focuses on finding creative win-win ways of solving disputes that litigants can agree, and live with.

The Cyber Court Advantage

Cyber mediation has proven to be an effective means of resolving a variety of disputes. The Cyber Court centre mitigates many of the potential shortcomings associated with conventional online mediation. By facilitating both a remote and in-person mediation conversation, Cyber Court documents, records and tracks the mediation proceedings from initial engagement to final resolution.

We do not simply “plug-in” a technology application, expecting automatic results. We've utilised the best available tools and developed it to fluently guide a process of mediation, to achieve the best potential outcome for all parties ...

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The Cyber Court success secret

A key aspect of the Cyber Court success is that our dispute resolution platform both universally respects and elegantly enforces a mediation framework to ensure absolute trust and integrity.

How it Works

The Cyber Court platform registers, guides, and manages court-annexed mediation fluently, promoting impartiality and confidentiality to deliver a successful resolution to disputes.

Dispute registration

A soon as a dispute is registered for mediation, either by a litigant, their attorney, or representative, Cyber Court initiates the selection of an appropriate mediator and generates the required forms, applications and documents to facilitate the court-annexed mediation proceedings. Required documents include applications for referral to mediation [Rules 77(1) & (2) and 78 (1)] as well as the explanation of the process and litigant rights [Rule 76(1) & (2)]. Cyber Court facilitates the required notices of intention to mediate.

Mediation management

During either in-person or online negotiations, Cyber Court facilitates, tracks, and documents all aspects of proceedings and communication. Records of communication, videoconferencing, and direct negotiations are tracked, and securely and confidentially stored for use by litigants, their appointed representatives, and the appointed credentialled mediators. Required forms for Statement of Claim [Rule 77 (5)] and Statement of Defence [Rule 77(6) & 78(4)] are generated in line with the required court-annexed procedure.

Resolution and filing

Once agreement and settlement are reached, Cyber Court processes the required Settlement Agreement [Rule 82] and supporting documentation for submission to the mediation clerk at the appropriate court and jurisdiction for the filing and recording of the settlement. All Mediation discussions, written and oral communications, any draft resolutions, and any unsigned mediated agreements shall not be admissible in any court proceeding. Only a mediated agreement, signed by the parties may be so admissible. Mediation will be strictly confidential and without prejudice.

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